Prof Chris Nester (Office PO 30)

  Statham St, Salford M6 6PU



Centre for Health Sciences Research | University of Salford

The Health Sciences Research Centre (HSRC) is a multidisciplinary group, focused on improving health outcomes through innovation, research and partnerships. The centre has a strong focus on technological advancement, often working closely with NHS and industry partners to develop and test new treatments and to create innovative healthcare products and services. We also consult closely with patient groups to develop health care solutions focused of the needs to patients or community groups. HSRC also plays a key role in training the work force of the future and houses the EPRC centre for doctoral training in prosthetics and orthotics. Membership comes from a wide range of backgrounds, including nursing, physics, physiotherapy, psychology, public health social work and sport. Together the group continues to bring new insights to contemporary health and social care challenges across all age groups, from those affecting young children to those which are associated with older age. For further information on the Health Science Research Centre please visit our dedicated website at